Story Time - Mr. Jamali And His Bar

I've been doing a long-term playtest and recently came across an interesting dilemma which shows the experience I'm trying to create for players.

This is Churrs! It's a bar in London run by Ahmadreza Jamali with occasional help from his friends Pei and Hertha.

Established in April 2032, Mr. Jamali was able to become profitable within 10 months thanks to his previous experience as a bartender and his love of alcohol keeping his spirits up.

Churrs! was doing so well that Mr. Jamali decided to move to a bigger premises and expand his operations in October 2033. He spent quite a bit of money on capital investments, which took a large chunk out of the household's savings...

...and hired more staff to help with the increased workload...

...until eventually the business was profitable again.

Unfortunately for Mr. Jamali, the economy was slowing down and within a few months had nose dived. 

The revenue from bars are strongly affected by the food service and entertainment industries, and both were falling along with economic growth. 

At the same time, expenses such as beer and cooking ingredients were rising due to increasing agricultural inflation!

Faced with this predicament, Mr. Jamali has a few options:

  • Scale back operations, fire staff, stop advertising and hope the food service and entertainment industries recover soon. Maybe get a personal loan from the bank or sell the household's stock market shares to cover expenses in the meantime.
  • Sell the business while it still has decent value before things get worse. Maybe leverage his experience gained as a bar manager in people management and customer service to find a job in a different (and growing) industry.
  • Pretend everything is fine and don't change anything.

What should Mr. Jamali do? Will the economy continue diving into a recession? Will the food service and entertainment industries recover before the household runs out of money? I don't know but I'm excited to find out!

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